My life partner
I dont know really when to start from..You have entered my life so suddenly and have changed it completely.You have made me a complete person since all the years till now I have missing my half.Suddenly I have found it and my love is filled with love only for you. Deep in my heart there was a place that you have magically healed, you have opened all the windows of my heart and let the sun in. Knowing you I am better person.I now know how to love and what is real love.I have no words to really explain how much I love you, how much you mean to me, how much I miss you when we are apart. I know that my heart speaks and I hope that your heart knows its language.And even we are miles apart now I want you to know That every morning there is a heart that saying good morning my love to you.These words and all the feelings that are in me are only for you my love. You are my missing half and now when I have found it I want it for life. I dont want to be apart from you any more.You are my blue eyed sun and my universe. You are MY ALL.I love you so much.
Your sayang forever and forever
Muaaaaahhhh!!! heee as I was typing this, I miss him already.. I have been with him for nearly 6 years now.. and he never changed abit since then..Always loving and caring...there`s never once we never give each other a big hug or a kiss on the cheecks.. I know now I did not make the wrong choice of marrying him..
There`s also an sms which he send to me during our 1st anniversary..
which says..
Ye syg.. Thank u 4 being my wife..And thank u 4 being patience w me.. I know Im not a perfect hubby but I will try my best 2 mk u hapi..I luv u soo much as I always do eversince e 1st time I fell in luv w u.Nothing chg except dat my luv 4 u is stronger as ever .. with e coming of our baby it wud b great addition to our small but hapi family.. Im looking forward to it.. last but not least, wish u a Hapi anniversary yg pertama syg..muah!

fuhyoooo...!! so touching right...?? 2nd anniversary no sms because he`s at home celebrating it with me and Qis.. He bought cupcakes for us.. and so we share it with the whole family.. what happened on our 2nd anniversary was he injured his knee in the bus while on the way to collect the cupcakes.. his knee got swollen the next day.. poor thing.. till now he say it hurts sometimes.. cant do much about it.. he went for an x ray and it turn alright so we dont know why it still hurts...
so dear hubby.. I hope to see you later tonight.. cause u working now.. and Im still here in whampoa waiting for mak no to fetch me and wak ya to fetch the maid and mak..
cant wait to be back at tampines where I can be all alone with You and our baby Qis..