Her 1st birthday cake.!
2352hrs sharp. This time a year ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.My husband named her Julia Qistina.Weighing at 3.84kgs at birth.I carried her for about 10mths (40weeks and 1 day to be exact)and now she already turn one. It felt like only yesterday I felt her movements and kicks in my belly.sigh! I wished she would not have to grow so fast...
Thanks to Razli and wife,Elly for celebrating her birthday today. They bought cakes and food for us to break fast and not only that, they even bought her gifts.. Thank you so much! I also would like to congratulate them for their good news.! Alhamdullilla.. soon Julia got a friend or maybe two to play with.. *wink* I will prayed for both of their happiness..Insya allah..
Happy belated birthday Julia! Aunty owes you a present.. :)
Geee..! Cant wait..
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